Entering a new world of hope
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Sure! I'm kind of doped up on pain medicine right now, excuse me if this post is a bit short. Gonna go to bed in a minute :]

She had respected her daughter's choice to stay a loner. Naniko didn't want to ever pressure her or make her feel that she had to go one way or the other - she had family in both Anathema and Crimson Dreams, among other packs, and she didn't want to push her to join anywhere that she wasn't comfortable with. It had been great having her around and getting to see her since the pups were born. Naniko didn't often have very much free time, but she could multi-task when she was feeding the pups, and visit with more of her family. The fact that they visited her in her den at all meant a lot to her - it had been a while since she'd had so many of them in one place, and it felt really nice.

Her ears perked as she heard a voice outside of her den, a voice accompanied by three knocks. "Yes? Come in" She called. Rio was welcomed inside of her den, but without a door on the place it was hard to keep canines out if she wasn't ready for guests. Knocking was much appreciated. Naniko sat up on the bed, setting Severus down next to her. He looked toward the area the voice had come from, barking a bit as he waited for his half-sibling to appear. "What is it that you wanted to talk about, Dear?" Nani called, slipping down from the bed and walking to the doorway.

Table by Jenny!

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