Entering a new world of hope

James, you’re killin me with your shorty posts – what happened? (if you don’t mind me asking O_o) – Hope you don’t mind my PP with Severus ? Correct me on anything.


Rio peered in to see her Mom resting with Severus. Nani sat up, placed the pup on the bed and came over. The pup barked in Rio’s direction. She smiled at the young wolf, and then focused on her Mom. ”I can come back another time if you’re busy…” She entered the room slowly, not wanting to seem like she was barging in, but not wanting to stay out in the hallway either.

Her Mom's den was the biggest probably in the whole cave system. She had the best of everything that she wanted. She even had a closet, if she wanted to make it one. It was kind of like those human 'walk-in closets' that she'd seen on an old real estate brochure once. Most of the page was frayed away, but the walk-in closet article was still there. She couldn't read that well, and it had taken her a good ten minutes to figure out what the bold print had said, but in time she figured out it had said 'walk-in closet'. It was something that Naniko's back den reminded her of, but she never mentioned anything about it.

She sat on Naniko’s bed, and picked up her little brother in her hands. She stroked what was starting to grow of his fur. She didn’t even know the little boy, but loved him dearly already. As she probably did the others, as well. While still stroking her little brother, she looked up at her mom, ”I want to join Anathema and stay permanently.” It came out bluntly, but she really didn’t know how to sugar coat it. She placed the pup in her lap and used her arms to shield it from falling. The little pup began to bite her fingers, probably trying to suckle but it didn’t feel much like suckling. She suddenly began to feel bad for her mom, as she had to feed them this way. Her poor nipples. ”I understand that there’s a small ritual that goes along with joining, and that too can wait if you really want it to…” She was so concerned about her mother’s time. She didn’t want to take away any time that she needed, to be with the pups.

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