Crashed and scattered

Naniko considered this, then shook her head. "No, I'm not sure that he could take you." She was beginning to accept the fact that she wasn't going to get to eat any time soon. Maybe she'd be able to catch something later on, but she doubted it; her leg was achy and it didn't take a lot of weight to make it buckle. Leaning forward to look into the water wouldn't be a good idea.

"Why'd you come back?" She blurted, before she had the chance to consider what was asking. "I looked around after you guys left for signs of you...and then everything fell to Hell with the pack...I was too young to live without a parent, really...Iskata Sadira found me and brought me here."

She had met his son, Jasper, just the day before. Obviously /something/ had happened, if he'd come back with Jasper, but what about the rest of her side of the family? "Roman and Kaelyn came back, for a little while...then they left again. Were there more D'angelos with you?"


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