These hands will cause no harm
Rurik had to bite back a growl when she snapped at him to shut up and eat. Instead, he settled with mild grumbles and the occasional bite on the meat. In truth, he wanted to devour the meat in a bite or less, but he knew that would probably make him sick after not eating for two days.

He watched her carefully, eying her bag. "She certainly does have a lot of things in there it seems, things I could use...No Rurik, no. She's helping you! You won't steal form her!" As nice as the thought seemed, Amaranth was being kind to him, if rude while doing so, instead of turning a blind eye to him and letting him die, or worse. When she warned him that it was going to hurt, he tensed swallowed the food in his mouth and tensed up, preparing for another jolt of hot pain, but it never came. At least, not like before. He could feel the burn of her rubbing, but it wasn't as bad as before; it was tolerable.

Once she was done he continued eating in silence, choosing not to answer her question as to whether or not he was ok as it had seemed sarcastic in nature. Upon examination of his shoulder, she would see that it wasn't as bad as his back, and wasn't infected. It had scabs, but constant movement kept them broken and tender, which was why it hurt so much. He barely noticed when she laid the cloth over it now, having gotten used to the sever pain of his back. He stayed silent as she gathered branches, for what he didn't know. After a few minuets he realized that she was starting a fire, he didn't care why. After a bit of watching the flames flicker, he grew tired of the silence. "Why are you helping me..." He asked flatly, continuing to look into the fire.

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