With patience wrongs are turned right

He was shocked. Taken aback by her words and the woman was not altered by his reaction. She did not believe him. It was impossible to see the truth here, her ability to judge honesty lost in the turmoil of her situation. All of it passed through her mind and yet nothing could be believed. She watched him as he reached to check the side of his face. That irritated her further, even from her distance she could tell that he was sniveling.

Normally she would comfort him, ease his fears and appreciate the small bit of help that he could give her. A sip of water would have been a blessing, even those few drops would have been seen as a gift sent from heaven. But the Dreamer was beyond all appreciation.

Dulled blue eyes watched with apprehension as the male approached her. And then to spite her he spoke again. There was a rumble in her chest as the stammering continued, and like a fool he reached out far too close to the captive. She was a dog backed up into a corner. The wolfess bared her teeth but only gave a split second's worth of a warning. She shot out, demanding in the most feral of ways for him to retreat back into the shadows from which his ghost pelted body came from. Teeth that hadn't tasted the blood of a fellow canine in years sought the bright target that attempted to console her.


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