rusted razor blades
Her eyes danced and glittered as she watched her knight prance and preen so elegantly as he quoted and plyed the words of poets and tried to woe her with the riches of words. She tossed her head to the side as her long legs carried her past the painted male and into an open meadow where her golden locks truly did shine. "But if thy fair lady had been promised to another, then what? The world may know one heart belongs to a the knight, but the body belongs to her king." Her eyes lingered on the male as she asked the dramatic question of morals. "Would you kill thy king for the whole of his queen? Or be thy contented with the heart and the long suffering wanting.. that can drive a man insane.." A woman could do mysterious things, her looks, her mind, her body and soul could drive men to the edge and over. The lady with the sun shot eyes of sapphire wondered what sort of man she had trailing after her now, the daring flashy irrational lover, or the mooning sweet always longing for more..

She looked over her shoulder with a small smile playing on her lips before she tossed her head back and laughed, a sweet muscial sound light and tittering like chimes. She paused at his words of kings and love for a mere moment before casting off again. "Would you always be there to defend my name from slander and shame.. I know you can't say the same for my honor.." a sly little smile was pressed on her maw as she turned away from him, a small giggle falling as she tried to keep a few paces before the young headstrong knight.

She knew too well how the words played from lips, the players and their half filled promises building up empty empires on the sugarcoated phrases to get their loins desires, she wondered if the male was merely seeking out comfort for the loins, or if the knight may really exist. She turned back and circled the male as her eyes caught his, the words she played were teasing as she sought to find the truth. "What sword would thy use to defend thine lady, what sword would they use to win thy lady.." she knew she was crossing dangerous grounds, but it was all in besting. She was a bit curious of where his lines were heading though.

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