[m]Desert Rose
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic gay sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Out of character here... Smexy table © Jaxxy; I also don't know if this really is going to be mature or not, but it'll definitely be suggestive.

This used to be our Secret...

It felt good to breathe this air. Why? Because the nightmares finally subsided. Every night for awhile now the male would wake up and scream (something he never did normally) and it was because since he had ruthlessly murdered his father for his foolish views on his two children, Diedrich had been attacked by the blind bat that was his father. He was not so blind in the night, but during the day, Ryuzaki could not see. Diedrich had no reason to fear the light, but the night would frighten him because of his father's wrath. Tonight had been different. It must have been the castle that they had spent the night in. That's the only reason he could come up with. Ryuzaki must have been afraid of this castle. That's what his excuse was. He woke up peacefully next to his twin, whom he looked over at before his stomach had told him that it was time to relieve himself. He got up and made a quick trip out of the room, down the stairs and out of the front doors of the castle. He found himself a nice bush and he circled it for a moment before he stopped and took a piss.

He was a strange looking being, for he did not have a normal stance like most luperci had. His hips did not align with his shoulders, so if gave him a sloped back when on all fours, but when he was on his hind legs, he always looked like he was going to lean back onto something behind him because his spine was so weird. He blamed his father for his sloped back, something that was German bred into the De Gama lineage through his father and his grandfather and grandmother before him. His acidic eyes looked around as he was peeing, for his coal ears had picked up a sound of something close by, and those eyes had looked for the intruder. He was always alert, on edge because he needed to be. The male was a ninja, and ninja code was to always be alert, and always be silent. Don't let anyone see you unless you want to be seen.

He growled lightly before he finished up and he moved back towards the castle doors. He glanced outside again, trying to figure out what was out there still. The strange looking male pulled his larges ears back on his head before he moved inside of the castle and wondered if his brother had woken up yet. It'd be time to find food soon, because Diedrich could feel a void becoming of his stomach, creeping upon him.

speak bitches


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