[M] for those who need it
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
OOC: and it happens. D: rated m for the violence and possibly bad words? powerplay approved in the advance. if you don't like, poke and I'll change it ^^ geya = nonvisible set after the parley thread.

Shadi had stared impassively on as the 'parley' quickly devolved into violence. She no longer cared; whether or not one of the expendable 'guardians' died was not her problem to deal with. The black she-beast of a pack leader had quite possibly done not only Shadi a favor, but Maska and the entire Tribe. The woman would keep that opinion to herself, though, as Maska would surely disapprove.
However, there was one thing the ashen female did not approve of. The creature who had blinded her lived still, as the she-beast had decided that the fight had escalated too quickly or something idiotic like that, and they left and he lived.
But not for long, as the half-blind woman felt the intense need for vengeance. It was probably best, though, that the Dreamers had left when they did, because if she had been tempted to attack him then, in the midst of an oncoming battle, she surely would have died or worse, blinded completely. While cold and uncaring, she wasn't a stupid individual and knew her chances of revenge were heightened if she fought him alone...
Which is why she stalked the leaving pack silently, palming the sharpest of her knives in anticipation. Geya traipsed along next to her silently, and when Shadi held up one hand, sat on the soon abandoned cloak and nodded. The wolverine would wait until she was needed or the Dreamer was dead.
As she gazed through the foliage, Shadi glimpsed the man who destroyed her life's work. He was alone, by some fortuitous occurance. Smiling grimly, the woman eased herself back and with a dagger clenched between her teeth, launched herself at him, forcing him to the ground.

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