The Last Supper [OOC]
Salsola's Last Supper (September 2011)

On the last day of September 2011, Salsola gathered for a Last Supper once more, the second such ceremony since their foundation. The feast was served by Molcaxitl Yocatl, Rowan Bissette, and a far more deferent Darijus Ostroszek. The newer slaves -- Verusha, Twilight, and Khirot -- were not present to serve.

Most of Salsola attended the feast, with the notable exception of Tlantli Kimaris, who provided the reason of illness for her absence. A notable addition to the feast's participants included Eris's younger children, Harrow, Artemisia, and Ataxia. Neither Shibboleth or Solanaceae are present, and neither is mentioned, having died 22 August and 24 August (MATURE), respectively. All three children were escorted by Molca back to Eris's home in the ruins before the news portion of the meal began.

Individual Interaction
  • Sirius once again spoke before the meal began, introducing the pack and speaking for their general welfare prior to the feasting. After eating ceased for the evening, he presented his peacock chick, obtained on the Freetown trip, and instructed the pack to avoid eating said chick (implying dire consequences).
  • Eris spoke after the meal, making note of a few things of general interest to those in Salsola:
    • She explained that Larkspur, Itachi, and Pandemic took a trip south to Freetown for trading possibilities, and that such ventures will be officially encouraged again in the future, with the need for volunteers emphasized.
    • Eris unveiled plans for the island off the coast of Salsola. The idea is to begin using the isle for growing mushrooms and other damp-loving vegetation, as well as a storehouse for any surplus Salsola resources. She highlighted their need for a boat for easy transport back and forth across the island, describing a punt-styled boat with a cable-ferry capabilities, considering a long rope or even some of the thick black wiring that seems overabundant in the city.
    • She highlighted the additions of Clover Love Lykoi and Liliya Russo to the pack, and also makes mention of Liliya's mother, Verusha, who is a slave; however, Eris asks the pack to treat Verusha with kindness due to her age, and to avoid using her for physical sorts of work.
    For her personal news, Eris revealed her new children, naming each of them for the pack (though by the time she spoke, they were already headed off to bed). Her own announcements were short and absent of mention of either of her other children, though her mood was jovial and upbeat, as if nothing is amiss.
  • Itachi attended the dinner, though he did not present anything to the table and remained silent, his usual polar opposite of social.
  • Larkspur once again provided a sheep for the meal, though this time the sheep was a ewe rather than a ram. He also spoke more than he did at the previous dinner, though most of his conversation was restricted to his children.
  • Bastion and Janos attended together, with the latter following his master around protectively, glaring at anyone who approached the pair. Basti was his usual creepy self, eating his special foods (Luperci sashimi?), while Janos was his usual angry, sullen self.
  • Salvia captured a young deer and kept it alive for a few weeks, essentially turning it to veal. She presented it seared on the outside but otherwise rare (blue on the inside, almost raw) and soft to Sirius and Eris, who share it with the remainder of Salsola after taking the choicest bits for themselves like the jerks they are.
  • Pandemic arrived with Salvia and arrived with a gift for the pack on their feasting occasion, a large stag killed the day prior.
  • Denver captured a wild goat to present for the pack's enjoyment, having cleverly trapped it with lasso. Denver brought his gift freshly killed and still hog-tied from the trap.
  • Xochime arrived shortly after her brother Miqui; unlike the last meal, Xochime's nosering is absent from her face this time. After spending the previous day cooking, she presented the leadership with the meal before taking her place. As she passed Bastion, however, she cringed away from him; this is due to an altercation where Bastion confused her for a slave and admonished her for removing her septum ring. She quickly moved on to take her place near Magnolia. Xochime kept a low profile throughout the meal, paying rapt attention to the leadership's announcements and taking small mouthfuls of food.
  • Notably, in Tlanti's absence, Wisteria was quick to try and remain as involved in the conversation with the higher ranking members as possible. She flirted hardcore with Sirius.
  • Wisteria's daughter, Odessa, spent her time speaking with her cousins and the other low-ranked members of the pack. She showed particular interest in Denver, though seemed unsure of herself alongside the other members.

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