Dancing By Moonlight


Name.Westy (Lauren)
Gender. Female
Birthdate. July 25, 1992 (19)

Contact Me:

Email. kfeatherwright@gmail.com
AIM. kfeatherwright
Y!IM. kfeatherwright
Skype. kfeatherwright
deviantART. Wolfzonie1
FurAffinity. Wolfzonie1

About Me (Outside Souls):

Hello! ^^ I'm Lauren but you can call me Westy, and I use waaaay too many emoticons! Big GrinDD

No, seriously though. I am 19 years old, live in Phoenix, AZ U.S.A. and live with my boyfriend, Mac. My interests include roleplaying, camping, reading, drawing, writing, astronomy, photography, music, and more. My favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a wolf, my favorite song currently is Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine, and my favorite book series is the Harry Potter Series. I do art, but I'm not very good and don’t expect payment for it ( though tips are always appreciated Wink ). I like to make people gifts though anyways. Photomanipulations (of wolves, usually in odd colors) are my strong point, and feral drawings are second though I am improving on Anthros! Yay me! You can find my art on my DA account (above) though I rarely update and on my FA (also above). Please note that some art is artistic nude or “worse”. May not be appropriate for all ages. DX View at your own risk! Though generally my art is clean.) Yes, I am a furry. And proud. Big Grin I am generally a friendly and overly excited person, I like to meet new people and get into random conversations. I have ADHD so please excuse me if I go weird on you. Tongue There are many ways to contact me, via my email (above) or through my Yahoo or Skype most commonly. Feel free to send me a PM too. I don't bite all that hard. XD Anywho, that's about it for me. I'm not all that interesting, lol. Thanks for taking the time to read about me! <3

About Me (Inside Souls):

I have been roleplaying for more than 12 years now and am completely obsessed with it. I started off on the forums on Neopets and worked my way up. I have been a part of Souls for about…3 weeks now I think and I absolutely love it here! I currently play Aysun Val-Rahdi and am hopefully gonna play Raein Aquarius later on. I used to roleplay on Myth V –Touchfire (maybe you’ve heard of it?), but I moved on to bigger and better things. ;D Some notable characters I’ve played are: Kantiquaii, Zsorthia, Liora and many more. Off the forums I have TOO MANY characters. Over 60 of them to be exact… o.O I know,crazy right? I’m gonna be honest here, I can have a bad habit of dropping characters if I lose muse for them. I determine which characters I keep by how much muse I have for them. I am constantly creating characters in my head, so naturally I have lots of ideas, so I have lots of characters. Thankfully Souls here has posting limits before you can get another character. SAVED MY ASS LOL! Of all my characters, my favorite and most used has to be Karria Featherwright. She’s a blue angel wolf. If you want to know more about my characters, just drop me a line. ^^ So yeah, that's the inside story. I live to roleplay apparently. XD

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