Running from the Tide
((Not sure if this is too much dialogue or not...))
Alma gave something like a smile. "Of course." It then occurred to her that she would be creating several at once and all sorts of horrible things could wrong and-and... That dampened her smile somewhat. Still, she wasn't going to back down now that she had already said yes.

"My quiver broke down not long ago while I was traveling. It was not something I was taught, so I do not know how to make another." The rust-colored coywolf said, hoping he would understand that the quiver's demise was not the result of her poor craftsmanship. "If you could create one for me, that would save me from having to trade with someone else." She suspected, since she was a packmate now, that he would create the quiver with better craftsmanship than those she had traded with previously. You couldn't create something shoddy and give it to someone you knew and saw often without facing shame.

Besides, in the unlikely even that he did create something shoddy she would just run off with all the bows.

"How many bows would you need? I am not sure how many I can create at once, but I can at least cut all the wood down at the same time. It will need time to dry." She paused. That might be a problem. The air was so humid here that it might not dry at all.

Her father had a faster way of drying wood, but she never learned it. He had disappeared before she could be taught that. Something like a frown appeared on her snout, briefly. At least she knew it was possible.

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