Running from the Tide
((I thought I should have a post about her figuring how to dry the wood before we start the next topic, but I can probably shorten it and work it into the first post of the next topic. I figure no one'll want to read about Alma burning wood/herself that much.

General type, probably the kind carried on the back. If you mean hide type, I know very little about different types of animal's hides, so I'm not really sure... deer, maybe? Whatever is reasonably strong.))

Alma's internal monologue about how she would find so much wood, transport it to the packlands and dry it stopped upon hearing 'at least two'. That's not so bad. "Two I can do quite easily," she hoped, "By the time you next see me, I will have at least that. More will come later." After the first two were done she could do the rest at a slower pace, which would give her time to figure out how to transport the wood.

Her own worries vanquished, she began noticing that the manner in which the Aquila's hair flew about his face. She suppressed a laugh. It came out as a sly smile, one of someone who knew an amusing secret but was unwilling to say it. Perhaps her own mane was standing on end and was being blown about on the wind like his, but the hair closest to her face she had braided for convenience and to avoid situations such as this, so she did not notice.

Alma nodded when he gestured to the area behind him, where the other caves were. She preferred the idea of a cave to that of a mansion. Most human structures she had found were poor resting places, for they were weak and could collapse at anytime. She hadn't seen the mansion herself yet, so had not known how well it had been preserved.

"I should see about doing that, and get started on the bows when I am done. If it is..." she paused, trying to think of the right word, "...good with you, I will leave and see you at another time?"

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