Couch Potato

Loviere had only briefly walked by the Terrace once before. He had been too overwhelmed by his new home that he had not taken a good look at it. Now the intricacy of the bridges and ladders struck him in the heart. He would love to get up there, perhaps add contributions of his own one day to the structures. Such carpentry made his whittled sculptures look like play things. He found himself smiling. As soon as he was done speaking with Shaw, he might just have to go explore the area a bit more.

It struck him then that climbing into the trees might very well be impossible for him, even with the aid of a ladder. Perhaps Oct could climb up and describe it all to him one day. His smile dropped gently to a frown and his gaze clouded with the dim color of jealousy. He waved his hand at the chair and spoke. "Hello, Shawchert. What've you got there, eh? And this Terrace's prettier than anything I've seen. Did you make some of all that? I'd love explorin', but I'm afraid the hoof might argue."

He balanced between his crutch and his good leg and held out the twisted limb, wiggling his toes for emphasis. His light golden eyes narrowed with slight anguish at the sight of his leg. Most of the time, he preferred to not look at it. He was never much of one for wallowing in his self-pity or concentrating on the negative aspects of life. But his leg was, simply, ugly. At the bend it was twisted awkwardly inward, so that his right paw pointed toward the other. The paw itself was angled strangely and his fur did not grow in various places. It was a painfully obvious deformity, and not one that Loviere enjoyed living with.

Words | 305 ooc. That's quite alright. Had a crappy week myself.

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