Couch Potato

Word Count → 285 :: OOC: So terribly sorry for the wait1!! I'm trying to catch back up again <3

Shaw smiled at the man, who greeted him kindly. He stoood up entirely, putting his tools down.

“I'm making something for the children's little hide out. It's a couch I would suppose, will look better with cushions on it. Bangle, one of our members, and mate to our leader, mentioned it to me and I haven't been able to put my tools down since.”

He ha looked the man up and down and knew that him and ladders would be a problem, but this did not mean he couldn't get up onto the bridges. He gave a wide grin and showed the man an examble of a ramp that intertwined up a tree.

“Never cut yourself too short my friend. We have more ways of getting up than just ladders and pulleys. We've got ramps. My pups couldn't climp up the terrace by themselves so I made these for them.

He pointed to the ramps, they were big enough for an adult, as Shaw had figured out the hard way, even adults could use a ramp or two. It was mostly for the pups though, but even someone like Loviere, well he could surely benefit from that.

“Orin, she made me put the boards tighter together on the bridges too, so there's no holes or anything to jump over, it's got nets and such around them.... quite child proof if I say so myself.”

He said. He knew the newcomer was looking around and getting to know cercatori, Shaw had the luxury of looking around it before it was even claimed. The wonderful sights he had seen had made him choose this spot for the pack.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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