Couch Potato

Word Count → 302 :: OOC: wheeeee

“Thank you, I do appreciate the praise. Any is quite welcome, though critiques are just as much so, but I have yet to finish it so we'll wait until then.”

He knelt back down again, and started peeling the wood off again. He was paying attention to both his project and his visitor.

“Yes I have two daughters, Juliet, and Titania. We never really planned them but they are the best thing that ever happened to me.”

He thought of all he had to go through since Tsuki had denied his love. The one night stand with Orin that turned out to be the only time he needed to start children. Then Sky.... then their birth and the death of his son, who was still around in spirit to guide shaw, but not as much. He had gone through a lot to get his children in his life and he would do anything to keep them in it. He smiled kindly at the man, he wouldn't call him a cripple, that word meant that a cripple would be useless this man seemed to overcome his injuries so he was far more than a cripple, but Shawchert wouldn't say anything.

“So you are a carver too, would you like to learn how to do bigger projects? We need more who are capable. I'm so tired of getting midnight calls.”

He said smiling at Loviere, he could trust the man, and as he knew his daughters didn't seem interested in his own work and he had no idea if he'd have anymore. He didn't mind teaching his skills to anyone in the pack that wanted to learn. He was open to showing the ways of his skills and would be proud that anyone would use them.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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