((While waiting for a response to a pack-join request, I thought I'd recount some of Blind's adventures as a nomad. Since it's early July in this post, she's probably about 13 months old. All welcome; mostly testing things out Smile WC=384))

The brutal sun had forced Blind to find shelter under a large rock that jutted from the side of a hill. The birds seemed to be mocking her with their songs as they chirped and fluttered around happily, seemingly unaffected by the heat. 'It’s just because you’re not covered in thick fur,' she thought bitterly. 'I’d eat you if you were closer.' If only she could find some water…even a puddle would suffice.

“Well, I’m not going to find anything to drink by lying here,” Blind muttered, begrudgingly rising to all fours. Her bad hip clicked in response, tugging a wince across her tired face. With her mother’s recent passing, she didn’t have anyone to fuss over her when she moved, no one to point out the already obvious annoyance her short leg was to her. In a way, it was nice. But there were times when Blind missed her mother’s fussing.

Her legs didn’t move willingly; she practically had to force her aching muscles to pull her heavy body across the ground. She was weak for a young wolf, but, even though she used to think it was because she was born that way, she only had her violent father to blame for her defects. Though her mother never told her the entire story, she did know that there was a dark cloud in her childhood, one that resulted in the death of her siblings and her own maiming. No matter how much she pressed, Blind’s mother never disclosed the details, and so Blind’s past remained as foggy as her future.

Blind shook the reminders from her mind, trying to focus on the task at hand: 'water…water…water.' Her slothful walk gave in to a determined trot as she made her way across the land. She knew she was close to Nova Scotia, and that there might be creatures like her there. The thought of company set her into a gallop.

It wasn’t long before a pond emerged on the horizon. Blind’s thirst compelled her to move faster, her anxious heart pounding in her chest. Once she reached the water, she dipped her head to drink and then dove right in, the soothing chill relieving every bit of ache and exhaustion from her body. This was the best she’d felt in a long time.

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