Nurtured by the Sun
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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. Exiting the Phoenix Forest into the Dahlia Valley. 879 words

Eventually, the woman's curiosity would get her into trouble. But for the time being, it had served not to be a catalyst to an untimely demise. However it was not received without some suspicion and with good reason. Had she been in his position suddenly a spectacle to a stranger's gaze, she would have felt uneasy... perhaps even unnerved. It was a wonder the male hadn't snapped at her. Truly she needed a means to curb her curiosity. But it was difficult when so many experiences lied in wait, yet to have transpired. Her thirst to appease her curious mind yet to be sated; her actions were but results of that insatiable drive.

Herself and occupation named, the torrent of questions was stifled to just one. One that was replied to just as easily as it was uttered. Again the female found herself drawn in in wonder for the Ichikan male. An individual occupying more than a single task for the sake of the pack... X'yrin found herself standing a little straighter as she listened. Again her eyes turned to his bow. An Optime weapon? Generously, the hunter knelt the weapon down for her to observe in detail. The paw of an intrigued yearling stretched outward to grasp without so much as hesitation.

Yet the Nomad stopped suddenly, eyes darting from her oversize paw to the dexterous digits used to grasp the instrument. A sort of scowl came upon her, creasing her brows with dismay. She heaved a most disgruntled sigh realizing the inevitability of her form needing to be changed. Upon her paw dropping soundly to the ground, the she-wolf released a tensed breath as her present form relinquished is bulked mass. The realigning the muscle and bones was seamless, more practiced than her prior shifts in form. Still she did not enjoy the sensation nor having to discard her more appraised form. An unkempt mass of fur shrouded both eyes in the midst of transition. Her minutes ticked by within personal darkness til she was able to draw the hideous veil from her eyes with newly defined fingers.

The bow still within her sights, she reached for it again this time looking at the darker male for some semblance of permission. "A warrior..." A simple word held such definition for the Nomad. It was the purpose of her family, a specialized task passed down through the wanderers generations. It was the craft that defined this sect of the nomadic family and gave them their name. Returning her gaze to the bow again, her hand still above it though within reach, she rid herself of the great weight resting upon her chest. The Fates were kind to a wanting heart...

But what could she offer?

Her claws snatched back suddenly, her entire paw recoiling to the safety of her chest. Of course. This was an exchange after all, no different than her meeting with gracious Nayru. Perhaps this time her words would better serve her than a craft. X'yrin drew her lengthy legs beneath her, remaining knelt as she looked toward male and bow with unbridled interest. "There is... still not much I know about Ichika... besides what I learn on my own..." She admittedly shamelessly, all the while holding the warrior's gaze. "But...I can offer the practice of my family." X'yrin didn't know where to begin on the matter without divulging the entire workings of the Nomads. With Nayru explaining her situation and sect within the family had gone surprisingly well enough even with her unused voice as a crutch. Perhaps her words would serve her well here and now.

"My family are the Exultare;" she began, "...warriors and defenders of the Nomads. It is a practice we are born into and cannot detour from." She splayed the digits of her paw still clasped to her chest, then carefully gestured to Jaden with the same paw, fingers still splayed and outstretched. "I am a warrior of the Nomads...just as you are warrior to Ichika." She nodded toward the bow. "Your weapon is strange to me. The Exultare rarely use a weapon even when we walked upon two legs. Rather... our body is our weapon and we are trained to use it when we are able to walk and run." Habitually, the female brought a hand to her head and pat to twice as a gesture of understanding. "Makes sense?" she inquired innocently, before continuing.

"We are fond of other warriors. It is the Nomads' way to exchange knowledge for the like, be it in hunting, craft, or defending." She conveyed her excitement modestly, betrayed only by the repetitive taps of her lush auburn tail. She was hard-pressed to look away from the idolized form despite the mass of russet and umber locks threatening to obscure her view of him. Within her hopeful gaze, resided an opportunity; a fine influence toward her decision whether or not to continue holding within this vast, mysterious land. "Master Jaden, warrior of Ichika no Ho-en," she smiled through her formal address. Her soft vocals achieving a sudden peak of enthusiasm. "It would honor me greatly if I could share with you what I know. You could assess whether it is an acceptable offer to your lands."


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