Nurtured by the Sun
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ooc: Set Sept. 19th | Day One. 689 words. Feel free to assume she just elaborated on their fighting style and time slipped by them Smile

The Nomad had learned to speak and observe at the same time; a practice she was enlightened to when her brethren informed her she tended to drift when speaking or gesturing. She had learned to keep her words steady, finding a comfortable groove as she explained the basics of what she was accustomed to, all the while watching her audience. The way his eyes scrutinized her form... the almost glazed gloss that overcame them as he appeared to be lost in thought. X'yrin felt her voice grew quiet, her words strung into a seamless whisper just audible enough for her own ears. Sudden his attention snapped back on her and she too snapped back into attention, coming to an abrupt, sound end asking if her words made sense before transitioning to question.

Her brows unfurled when regarded with a question, a rather sudden and imposing inquiry to say the least. Would she stay within Ichika? This was a pack, she had sense enough to recognize. And with a pack as her Shepard professed to her many times, came commitment. A degree of pride and honor reserved a place in one's heart for their pack and comrades. Be it for love, knowledge, camaraderie... What ever reason constituted for aligning oneself with a pack, they had to give their all for it. Would one interaction be enough to sway her heart to come to accept this place as a home over the Endless Road? Truth be told, she didn't know. But her unquenchable desire to further her own knowledge was strong. Was that not part of the reason for her leaving the traveling band?

Her ears flicked occasionally with indecision, warring withing herself for which path she could take. She would never learn as much here as she would if she returned to the open road. But passing these lands would forfeit her the opportunity to study in-depth enough pack's working. Also, she could be avoiding another chance to reacquaint herself with a group, a 'family' again.

"A pack is a commitment," the words of her Shepard passed between them, her voice ascending above a whisper at last. "It would be foolish for me to take Ichikan side by one encounter alone." X'yrin again lifted her gaze to Jaden. "Lady Nayru was kind enough to permit me a limited time on your lands to assess if this is where I want to be. I would rather know first if what I have to offer will be good enough for the pack. Otherwise I would be a wasted resource and would have torn myself from the Endless Road for nothing." In a gesture of understanding, the woman again raised a hand to her matted crown and patted twice. "Makes sense?"

The Nomad was excited for this opportunity but was more fearful of wasting it than anything. To accept the open arms of the pack only to be found useless was more devastating than finding death had become her during her travels. At least in death, there was a purpose. The decomposition of life to provide for the smaller creatures which would in turn become nourishment for beings higher than itself. She simply needed to know there was indeed something she could offer. So for now, they could begin with what she was proud of. "The way of the Exultare," she smiled proudly. "Combat and Defense. It's principle use is diverting hostile energy into positive energy. In essence, no energy is bad or good, but the intentions behind it make it so. Either through word or physical means, we alter the negative to positive from others. Even our own, if need be. I must admit it is very exhausting," her smiled seemed to falter as an emotional fatigue sapped her strength though her body remained in peak form. "When it is easier to combat hostility with greater hostility, true strength comes from channeling the rage into a positive energy. More strenuous than attacking blind. Our art commands constant thought. But if all else fails; we immobilized."

Giving Jaden a moment to digest her information, she went on to explain the practice in detail...


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