The water won't spare us
Date is fluidly set to mid-September. Set it whenever suits your timeline! Set on the edge of Halifax (think: suburbs!)
[/html]After her meeting with Zalen, Tayui had been thinking about a lot of things. Many of them, she had conferred to her son, but there were also some she kept close to the chest. Of all the creatures she met, she wondered if she could find a kinship with Zalen, and Drizzt too, perhaps. Even Lucia had seemed standoffish enough to tickle Tayui's fancy, and somehow, this made her feel less apathetic than she had in months. A plan was forming, and although it was foolhardy and likely manipulative, Tayui felt better than ever. She needed to do something and now, she knew what exactly it was. She had been searching for over a year to find this thing, and finally, she had it.

She'd sought out Lucia and Zalen once more a few days earlier. She knew where Zalen lived, so that had been easy enough; and she'd found Lucia, too, at the time. She had informed them of the meeting place: a small run-down tavern with a lopsided sign. It stood, barely erect, on the fringes just north of Halifax. The building was almost completely destroyed, but it was a good marker for the location. She left her scent near the building and then headed northeast to Arachnea's Revenge, where she would wait for the rest of them.

Drizzt, too, she had tracked down. That had taken her days, but she had asked him to meet her there. As with Zalen, he did not have her real name, either, and she planned on keeping that little truth to herself. But she did ask him to meet her at the tavern and to follow her scent to the meeting place. She could only hope he would turn up.

That just left her son, Attila: he had been with her for over a month now and she was strangely happy to be able to include him in this affair. It was a twisted happiness, she knew, for no mother should ever ask of her son what she was asking of hers. Nonetheless, this was happening; she only now had to wait.[html]

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