NEWS -- September 2011 Updates
Member Complaints

Recently, the 'SA has received member complaints regarding denied auxiliary character and puppy requests, as well as complaints regarding realism. We would like to take the opportunity to remind everyone that it is your responsibility as a player to double-check and ensure your plots, characters, and so forth are in accordance with 'Souls realism, rules, and procedures. Additionally, it is your responsibility as a player to ensure your activity is sufficient prior to requesting things dependent on your activity.

In the interest of fairness to all players at 'Souls, the Assemblage adheres strictly to the game rules and procedures. When we evaluate a request of any sort, we must ensure it complies with rules, procedures, and precedents. If it does not, the request must be denied unless we are willing to make the same exception for all players in similar situations. Therefore, we avoid exceptions and exemptions except in special, noted circumstances: for example, the Puppies procedure 2A, wherein a player with numerous characters can apply for a fourth puppy point.

Mentorship Complaints

Additionally, we have received vague complaints regarding the Mentorship and its conduct: we must encourage players to come directly to us with their issues. If a mentor has handled you in a disparaging or deriding manner, we STRONGLY encourage you to contact us with your complaint and let us know exactly what's going on. Receiving a few off-hand remarks and an extremely vague Formspring question doesn't make us privy to the actual problem: if we know nothing of the issue, we can't address it! Sad

We have also received complaints about a general lack of activity in the Mentorship forum; these complaints are being addressed with our Mentorship review, as well as the release of a new Mentorship handbook. Hopefully, the Mentorship team can be rejuvenated with these things!

In Summary

In closing: if you feel a any member, moderator, administrator, or Mentor has treated you unfairly, we strongly encourage you to contact a member of the 'SA. If it is an administrator that has wronged you, send a PM to the personal account of a different administrator. If a moderator spoke unkindly to you in the chat, copy a log of the chat and send it to the 'SA.

However, please do not whine publicly or otherwise engage in behaviour that will cause drama. You are, of course, free to say what you'd like to your friends and to complain in private journals or other private venues. But please remember that causing drama is against the rules, and that badmouthing issues in the public chat, posting about it in Open Letters or elsewhere in the OOC Garbage, or otherwise complaining openly is more or less guaranteed to start drama and can incur negative consequences for the involved players.

Once again, we implore you to come to the 'SA with your issues, problems, and concerns. We are here ensure that 'Souls is a fair and enjoyable roleplaying environment for everyone, but we can't fix problems if we don't know about them! Thanks in advance.


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