When did this get here?
backdated to midday of 2nd, Jace be fat cause she pregnant hurr :3

Jace was so happy as the went about her rounds and duties, she was currently patrolling the borders for any sign of posible joiners or traders seeking service. At last her brother had found himself a mate, and in Rendall too! The shewolf has very glad for the pair, hopefully Rendall would be able to recover from the trial that Lucifer put her through, the same as he had done to Jace and many other members of the Valley. She was glad that Jefferson had sliced off his head and thrown it into the ocean, at least now his horrific spirit could hurt no one ever again. Jace fervently hoped that the black man was burning in whatever version of hell it was he had gone to, it was only justice.

To top it off the mare had given birth this morning to a healthy filly and Jace made a mental note to let Adonia know so that they might plan breedings and crosses together in the future for the animals. Ichika needed more horses, they were a useful animal to have around. The birth had gone without a hitch and Jace hadn't even needed to intervene at all, once the mare was finished with labor both she and the stallion made it quite clear that her barely tolerated presence in their corral was no longer appreciated, so up and over the fence she got.

The two horses she kept were in no way tame, and were as wild as could be in most aspects, only an agreement with the stallion did the two stay in their fenced enclosure at all for both could easily leap over the fencing if they so wanted. The hybrid wandered, not so lost in her thoughts that she was unaware of her surroundings, she was ever vigilant of people approaching.

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