when tomorrow never comes
-set in Shiloh hills

She had set out for Twiligt Vale once more to see if Kansas had finally made it, she didn't know if Conri had been mistaken or if perhaps Naniko had just met Kansas within days of her conversation with her mate. Smiling to herself at the though of Conri's own misgivings she sighed and moved on. She knew the boy would pull through his slump and everything would be fine in the end, but for now she had other worries on her mind, like her own children.

Iskata knew that Conri and Naniko would take good care of her son, but she just wanted to see if he was well and happy. She didn't doubt one bit that he might be depressed at being in Twilight Vale, she knew he loved his adopted sister. Pausing for a second she sat back and stared over the hills she was crossing, somewhere nested deep at their core was where Naniko's pack had settled down. She let loose a jaw cracking yawn as she sat in the brilliant sunlight and enjoyed the coming summer's heat. She'd rest a few moments before continuing on.

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