[M] You Ruined All. For Yourself.
[:OOC: Tiny post, I'm sorry! Couldn't think of anything... D:]

The spear flew from his hands as the wolf lunged, to bury its tip in a nearby tree. Carrion cursed. He'd have to fight his new-found foe hand-to-hand. His ears flattened and he through the brush at her. "Don't hold back. You never have before." Directed at her, but spoken to noone in particular. He braced himself for the next lunge, teeth bared. No challenge would stand in his way. Not anymore.
It'd been almost a year since he'd failed the last challenge in his life, and that's how he earned the scars on his chest and the one on his skull. He could still feel the claws of the lion, smell its foul, rotten-blood breath as it screamed in his face. Strong incentive never to fail again. His eyes, glinting in the moonlight, watched her carefully, remembering what combat training he'd had. He could take her. He had to.

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