The wealth of the sea at our fingertips.

Word Count :: 300+ Welcome! OMG I’m so happy you replied. I was dying to get this moving! <3 <3

The might of her verbal sinning drowned out the sound of the singing slave so she did not notice when he approached the area. Her anger had done nothing for her, only served to make her do something rash and now she had a steady ache in her foot as reward. She rubbed the sore spot thoroughly before setting her foot-paw back into the sand and standing straight, her voice finally dying down. She surveyed the wood pile, a hand moving to her chin as though swallowed her whole. It wasn’t until there was a resounding squawk from a nearby crow that she realized she wasn’t alone anymore.

The Russian turned to curse at the crow for breaking her concentration, and that is when she saw the coy-wolf standing there. Her gray gaze surveyed him and she wondered just how long he’d been standing there. She didn’t know him – big surprise – but quickly identified his rank thanks to the clear marker her pack uses for every slave. She stood a little straighter, raising her eyebrows.

“Vhat are you lookink at?” she asked, her voice dripping with the thick Russian accent. Was that amusement on his face? Liliya wasn’t very supportive of her pack’s enslavement of innocent people (especially since her own mother had become one herself) but enough time spent with the right crowd can begin to affect anyone’s way of thinking. It was clear that Liliya was starting to adopt a more true Salsoan mindset when her eyes narrowed at the insult… Is a slave laughing at me?

She began to say something about it then stopped. The man wasn’t laughing at her… though he did seem rather entertained at her expense… and she didn’t know this slave – she once experienced first hand what happened when you mouthed off to a slave you didn’t know (it turned out to belong to a very important individual) and she didn’t want a repeat performance. She took a breath, cooling the fire in her core.

“Vhat is your name, boy?” She knew he wasn’t a boy - in fact it was likely that he was older than her – but she was still quite annoyed at having been snuck up on. Still, second to a horse this might be the best thing that could have come along. "Who do you belongk to?"

Image courtesy of mnshots@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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