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Dawali had been uncertain for some time. It wasn't his place to doubt authority, and it wasn't his place to take matters into his own hands. Ironically, he rarely ever had hands. His time as Itawamba was still going, and he feared he might never shake the role. The hopelessness in that thought, paired with the blunt injustice he faced as he regularly met with the prisoners to tend to them, was just too much in the end. Finally, he had listened to Ralla, and this time as he went to tend to them, it was different. He was facing a bad choice, however. With a Guardian outside the door, Dawali was most certainly going to get caught. Additionally, he could only free one of them. While there were other prisoners, there was little doubt in his mind which prisoner was the most important to Maska - and the whole dynamic. Anu needed to get back to her pack, and few had the means to make sure she did.

He entered the hut as always, shifted by leave of Maska. The Guardian nodded, and Dawali bwed his head in respect as he entered. By now, he had had so many visits that the Guardians did not doubt his intentions, but the walls of the building leaked sound, and talk could seep through the cracks. He shifted his glance at the newest prisoner - a male - as he strode directly to Anu, reaching for the bonds that tied her. "Anu. You need to go home." His voice was a whisper as his fingers shook, trying to get the knots. Dawali had never done such a thing - he truly did deserve his rank. Hopefully, Anu could read the urgency in his voice, and would not doubt him. Had he earned her trust by now?

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