New news to me.
OOC: lol suprise!

IC: The female hadn't expected the she-wolf to come up from behind her. She almost turned to snap at her neck but stopped herself quickly when she realized the new comer meant no harm or foul to the woman. Instead she laid her ears back, unamused by the new wolf's joke. She looked the new comer in the face and studied her strange bi-colored eyes before deciding to go with it for now...Yiska stood close to the female and kept eye-contact showing her that although she meant no harm, she wasn't someone to be triffled with.

At her full height she stood just a little bit taller then the young wolf. Though the woman didn't seem very harmful...Yiska didn't trust it. You could never take anything for granted. "I'm fully capable of taking care of myself." She stood eye to eye with the younger one and wondered if she was the one from the small sniff and the overwhelming power of a pack joined in scent told her her answer. "You must be the one whose scent I found. I am Yiska of the Perethpaw clan. Who are you?" Yiska didn't feel like playing games but she hoped she didn't sound to harsh.

The cream-colored woman felt unsure of the lighthearted new comer, and was unabe to really make a good assessment other than the female was much younger than her. Yiska kept her hackles down and lowered her tail, showing the new female there was not going to be any fighting today less she started it. There pereth-female was tired and weary and didn't feel like causing trouble.

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