Bittersweet Symphony
No worries! Sorry for the shortness here. / wc:303

Liam seemed just as confused about his find as he was. Well, he was certainly glad it wasn’t food, at least, but these puzzling little metal things only served to summon up more questions. His timber-colored friend thought it was a type of monster. Hell, that was a better explanation than anything Jackson could come up with. The Anatheman boy took a closer look at the one in his hand. Yeah, he supposed it kinda did look like a monster. Man, I dunno. It ain’t nothin’ I’ve ever seen before. But it sure isn’t the scary kind of monster, with no teeth like that…

He dug through the collection of toys, curiosity overriding his confusion. Different shapes, too, he mused as he lifted up another of the toys, this one modeled after an old pickup truck. He set that one off to the side, and was about to begin digging through them again when he thought of a much better idea. He scooted back and dumped the contents of the box out onto the floor. It was a slightly noisy affair as all the tiny metal things crashed about, and Jackson winced slightly. But just as quickly the sound was over with, all of the cars settled onto the ground, save for one small one that used what was left of its momentum to role away.

He was going to grab after it when something sticking out of the odd pile of metal monsters caught his eye. A-ha! he exclaimed, reaching out for it. He lifted an old set of keys from the pile of toys. Look what we have here, he said, cerulean eyes glancing back up to Liam. Now that was a bit of human technology that he did recognize. What sort of treasures would these old things lead them to?


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