Blood as sweet and red...
[/html] As Turnstone moved to climb up the building where the archer was standing, he saw another wolf dash ahead of him and scale the side. Turnstone followed closely and climbed up after the other Dreamer wolf. He didn't pull himself up all the way, waiting to see if it was clear before he committed fully. He peeked over the side of the hut and saw the Dreamer wolf struggling with the archer. In a flurry of movement, Turnstone saw the two of them topple over the side. He stopped for a second and then climbed back down and rushed over to the two wolves.

"Get back!" he bellowed as he pulled out his goedendag from his belt. He rushed toward the wolf girl and swung at her her head. She still recovering from the fall, but she looked a little better for wear than Leonard did. Turnstone brought his goedendag down onto her side. She'd dodged and managed to avoid getting hit in the head. He lashed out again and she leaped back and dashed away. He wasn't quite sure where she'd gone; just that she wasn't a threat any longer. He tried to follow her, but he lost her in the midst of battle. He kept his weapon in his hand in case she returned. Without looking at Leonard directly, he asked: "you okay?" [html]

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