How Loud Are the Drums of War?
Its been 3 days and no one has replied, so I'm posting to keep it going

His sword slid easily through the man's throat, piercing through the back of the mouth and sinking into the earth and grass underneath him, cutting off his yell of pain with a harsh gurgling noise. Blood bubbled up from the wound as the Guardian tried desperately to breathe. Even in the chaos of war and the violence of anarchy the Austral man was not without mercy even to these cowering bastards. His sword was removed and places back into its sheath at his waist and leaned down. One swift jerk of his hands and the dieing man's neck was snapped, life drained from his eyes instantly and lids closed down as he slid into the endless night that accompanied death.

No matter how many times he did it, it never got any easier to accept the fact, he was a murderer and the blood of countless hundreds stained his earthen colored paws. Everyone that he had killed deserved to die, whether by him or by someone else did not matter, slavery was not tolerable, not when the Spaniard could set so many wrongs right with just one death. It depended on which way you looked at it really but León saw the bigger picture, most people didn't and could see only the ending of life not the endless good that would come from it, for this León was willing to stain his soul in the rescuing of others.

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