see me at the horizon

His hunting companion was interested in learning, certainly, but it wasn’t the bow that held her interest. Almost before he could even react Terra had moved in close, snatching away the dagger he’d just returned to its sheath. Lips pulled back to reveal glinting teeth in a silent snarl. The old Dresden would have delighted in playing a little thieving game with the girl, but these long days of solitude had nurtured only the possessive side of him to stand out even more. He accepted the dagger back, a glare still lighting his eyes. “You would do well not to do that again,” he advised. He stood, eyeing the dagger in his hand while he took a moment to calm himself. She had clearly meant no ill will. Maybe he just needed to lighten up a little.

He sighed, turned to face the girl once more. He supposed he could teach her a little. He offered the blade she had taken back to her for the moment before reaching to his belt to pull out a second dagger. “There are a few ways to hold it,” he began, holding his dagger upright in front of him. “This way works best when you want to stab.” He demonstrated a quick thrust. Then with an effortless flip he switched dagger over so that the blade pointed downward along the length of his arm. “This way is better for stealth, or for encounters where quick slashes work best.” This too received a demonstration, a swift slash at the air in front of him.


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