see me at the horizon

He watched the girl go through the motions a few more time, nodding in approval. For a moment he could almost imagine that he was back in the encampment on the outskirts of Kobol territory where warriors young and old gathered to train. But in the end, it was just a memory. He could long for it all he liked, but that would not bring him back. “Good,” he said as she moved to set aside the blade. “With practice I think you could do well.” Some were born with grace and quick movements, and with honing they would be valuable skills indeed.

He followed her lead and made her way to their fresh kill. His own hunger was gnawing at his belly, insisting on no longer being ignored. The husky set to work on the deer as well, teeth and claws being put to the task of what they did best. There was nothing better than the first taste of a fresh kill, he believed, with the possible exception of a well-matched duel. Hunting and fighting. That had been his life in Kobol, and it remained the same to this day.


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