Tired And Broken

No problem, makes it easier for me to respond to! Wink

Blind was relieved at the Italian's kind response, but she still couldn't help but hope he didn't think her to be weird. Deciding not to indulge these worries, she sat up fully and began to clean Ehno's arm with her velvety tongue. The bitterness of stale blood mingled with the sharpness of a drop or two of new blood as she washed the cut, and it made Blind's nose twitch. It had been a while since she had nursed any wounds at all, and she had forgotten how unappetizing the taste of this red, gooey substance was. However, it didn't lessen her desire to relieve this brave stranger's pain, and soon she pushed past the taste and focused more on the state of the wound.

The dark she-wolf listened closely to the male's words, smiling a bit at his apology. Though she didn't say it, she thought him sweet for thinking to apologize for something he didn't have much control over - it wasn't his fault his skin had torn when the knife had pierced it. She could tell that this wolf was a kind-hearted and considerate creature, and she felt it a blessing whenever she came into contact with such canines. After all, the war was evidence enough that there were terrible beings in the world.

Trying to direct the conversation toward happier subjects, Blind broke from her licking long enough to ask, So, what's an Italian doing in Canada?

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