I Want to Go Home
300+ Hey guys!!
The young female scuffed her paws along in the dirt silently, her head hung low. The war had taken toll on the young female. Picking at her healing skin, more skin was soon revealed. She had needed to stop picking at the flesh where the ropes had cut her. The black and white female had heard that her father was starting a new pack, and that Savina and her mother had kicked him out. How could they?! Fia thought that especially her mother would be interested and join the new pack! But she kicked him out and made him sleep in a make-shift tent outside?! Did this mean that her mother and father where not going to be.........Tears threatened to pour down the young female's face but she held them back. No.....she would not, could not, believe that. Her mother and father deeply loved each other........right?

Sighing, ice blue eyes looked around her. Old run-down houses surrounded her, human remains of artifacts lay about, scattered all around. The young female had decided that she would live with her father in his new pack. It offered a new life and a new adventure for her. Plus...she couldn't live with someone who had kicked their own mate out of their own bedroom. A small, hurt growl emitted from her white-furred muzzle, her heart truly hurt. Black dipped ears turned in the direction when she heard a familiar howl. Quickly changing and dropping to all fours, she quickened her pace. Soon she arrived to the group. Shyly looking around her, she reclined backwards on her hind legs and sat towards the back. Turquoise eyes flickered all around her at the unfamiliar wolf's faces. Was this really what she wanted? She gave her father a look, filled with such complicated emotion that only a father and a daughter would truly understand before dropping her gaze and biting the pink flesh around her paws again idly.

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