Washed Ashore [joining]

Going to PP you just a tad, just the fact that you're picking her up. I'll change it if you want.


Savina was greatly relieved to hear him offer his packlands for her to stay in, for a while at least. She realized how useless she was in her current condition, and that she wouldn't last long if she didn't have help. "Ciò è molto grazioso di lei. Sarei onorato per stare qui." Hearing him speak of his family made the female think of her own that she had, though inadvertently, left behind. A month or two ago it would not have been a painful memory and she would have been heartbroken to be separated from them, but now neither of those was the case.

Savina snapped back from her thoughts when Guiseppe asked her permission to pick her up and carry her somewhere a bit more fitting for an injured lupine. She swallowed her pride and nodded her head. It wasn't that she wasn't grateful for his help, she was just used to taking care of herself and didn't like to be so vulnerable, especially in front of a stranger. As she felt Guiseppe's strong arms wrap around her and lift her battered form from sand, she said with all of the appreciation and gratitude in her heart "Ringraziarla Guiseppe."

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