what I want still stays the same
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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Despite everything else; despite his sorrow and his paranoia and his doubt, Ezekiel had inherited a great deal of intelligence. He was the sort who fully recognized potential—which was why regardless of her size, Zana was welcomed with open arms. In some way, he recognized his newest cousin as a threat. By befriending him and using him to his own means, the Aquila would avoid starting a war of attrition as he had with Halo.

Another fighter who valued physical combat was appreciated. Ezekiel smiled in a way that did not meet his eyes. “In the Inferni I see,” he began, pausing to breathe in smoke. While not a fan of theatrics, even he understood how to speak with purpose and use tone and pauses to control and entrap the audience. “Each coyote becomes a master at the combat that they excel in. I have my bow, for example—I can fight with tooth and claw,” he added, sparing a glance to Helotes. “And I know some of other methods of combat, but I wish all of us to be like this. That way there should be no excuse when our enemies come; we can slaughter them.”

He paused, took another breath of smoke, and exhaled through his nose like a dragon. “We should train the horses too. This land is perfect for the larger breeds.”

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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