
The will to play this situation off as coolly as he could went out of him after a bit of bark went bouncing off his snout. He couldn’t just let himself sit there and take her attitude as if nothing was wrong. His own lips began to pull back to reveal glinting ivories. Momma’s dead, he shot back, turning his snarl into a wicked smile. Dangerous grounds, she said. Well, this foolish boy was certainly beginning to learn the thrill that danger could offer him.

She accused him as a thief again. As fun as it might turn out to be to play it up, even Jackson wasn’t dumb enough to do that right on the edge of their lands. The little woman could easily call for backup and Jackson was way too far from home to get any help of his own. Hey little lady, I ain’t trying to steal nothin’. He sneered up at her. Takin’ a walk, looking around. You guys sure know how to give sightseers a show with these pikes of yers. Some of the venom went out of him as he eyed the blowpipe in her hand. What the hell is that? he asked. His hands gripped tighter around his staff as he watched her.


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