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Terra grinned. Now she knew for sure he was scared of the horses. She was tempted to 'accidentally' set one loose, but she wanted to keep hanging out with him. He was a really nice guy, the kind she normally would have no reserves in tackling. It was much too bad he was injured. She listened intently as he spoke about Robin. She had greeted Terra when she first arrived. The idea of the playful pup being deadly with a bow and arrow, not that she knew what those were, seemed ridiculous. She couldn't discount it though. Obviously this pack had seen a lot more fighting than she ever had, which was none.

It was too bad he didn't know much about healing, but that was alright. A tour would be rather nice. She thought back to his mention of secret places scattered throughout the territory. Can you show me a hideout? It'd be nice to have a place to escape from this chaos. She wasn't about to mention that she would probably be the one causing the chaos. Even if she didn't make trouble this first day, it was sure to happen. Liam's fear of horses was one thing that she would exploit, as soon as she was sure he'd forgive her. It might take him a while to calm down though. Most people didn't like being tricked. It would be good practice, though, and a lot of fun.

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