Ocean View

I pp'd them down the stairs; let me know if you want that changed at all.

The redhead looked at the woman, and then rolled his shoulders. He found nothing wrong with the indoors, but the woman was new enough that the Dauphin went with it. He was going to be as accommodating as he could be, considering it was his duty to do so. "Of course, I was only doing some cleaning up." The redheaded man walked down the hall, and turned into the midsection hallway. Glancing over the railing down a few flights of stairs, the Dauphin looked back at the woman who had just recently joined.

"How have things been so far? Adjusting well? Liking your accommodations?" Strel smiled mildly at Terra, hand on the railing as he glided down the stairwell. He remembered what it was like to be new, though it was so long ago. It over two years now. He remembered it terribly fondly, though both of the people that had been there were no longer in the Kingdom. One of those two was no longer walking the earth at all. So many people had left and so much had changed. But Strelein was there, as always.

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