Ocean View
Terra thought about it carefully. It really did make sense that clothes came from cloth, now that she thought about it. She was a little envious of his skill to make clothes, as it seemed almost like magic to her. Humming slightly as she walked to the beach Terra pictured Strel pulling the cloth together, telling it to become clothes. The picture was almost comical, with the cloth acting submissive as it changed shape and color. She was probably wrong about it, since the cloth wasn't alive. It was the closest she could picture though.

When she hit the sand Terra startled. She'd forgotten she was on two legs, with her feet much more sensitive. It was slightly cold, and nice. Digging her feet in Terra stared in wonder. Why could she feel more? Were her feet less hardened in this form? The idea was strange, since she'd always assumed everything remained the same when she changed. What else would she need to learn about this form? Was her fur different as well?

It was too difficult to think about. She charged into the waves, gasping as they soaked her. Terra didn't go deep, but waited for her beta to catch up. The water was chilly, but it was a nice experience, standing there with the water lapping around her. Terra was so much taller than she was used to. Leaning back she laughed. Everything was new, a delight to experience.

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