Ocean View
Strel stood behind her, just watching. The water was nice, splashing around her legs. It was odd, only being damp around her legs. It wasn't like wading through a stream, more like someone had picked her up and dipped her in. Terra pricked her ears at his question. Yes, it is. But that's to be expected, no? Terra turned to face Strel. Is something the matter? He was really hesitant, which was odd considering his calm demeanor all the way down. If she didn't know better, she'd think he was afraid. That wasn't possible, though. Fear was weakness, and weak people couldn't lead.

She looked at his clothes. Are you afraid of getting them wet? That seemed like a reasonable explanation. The canines here were rather protective of their things. His dislike of getting them wet would be just another oddity in this culture. Maybe someday she'd be used to it, but for now it was still extremely strange for her. Sighing Terra sat down, letting the water lap at her chest. It really was cold, but she didn't want to get out.

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