Ocean View
Terra relaxed at his words. It made sense for him not to believe if he didn't have stories of his own. Playfully she pounced, leaping into the water. Really, there's nothing to fear here. It's shallow. Even if the stories aren't true, it's safe. She would have pulled him in, but he was higher rank. Escaping his wrath was not a fate Terra was prepared to face. Instead she splashed the water on him, soaking his clothes.

You have lots of cloth. You can get more, no? A wave hit her from behind, knocking Terra head over heels. For a moment everything was in a rush, then she laid gasping on the beach, surprised. Terra let out a clear yap of joy, enjoying the surprise. With a twist she leaped back in, fearless. She wasn't a coyote if she turned away from things like this. She lived for danger and the fun it promised.

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