CdA Birthday Contest - Scavenger Hunt!
Cercatori d'Arte's Birthday Bug Hunt!

What's This?

Cercatori d'Arte has turned one year old last year today, and on October 27, 2010, it had just begun - hooray! Unfortunately, something has happened - Cercatori d'Arte has been infested with bugs that want to eat all the birthday cake, oh no! Your job is to find all the bugs that are infesting Cercatori d'Arte - have fun!

How Will This Work?

  1. Find all of the hidden bugs.
  2. There are 12 bugs in total.
  3. Don't cheat or share answers, that'll take away all the fun!
  4. When you're done, or you think you've found all the icons you can, PM Skye Collins in this format:

  5. Subject: CdA Birthday Contest

    Bug 1 - Location

    Bug 2 - Location

    Bug 3 - Location, etc.
  6. More than one person can win, so don't be upset if you can't get them all right away! Smile

Important Dates

  1. 27 Oct 2011, 12:00 EST: Contest begins!
  2. 8 Nov 2011, 12:00 EST: Contest finishes, submissions close, and bugs are cleaned up by Sunny!
  3. 9 Nov, 2011: Winners are announced!


  1. What are the bugs?

    They are icons that are scattered around CdA related places - try and find them all!
  2. Where will the bugs be hidden?

    They will be anywhere that has to do with Cercatori d'Arte or that is CdA related except for actual roleplay posts in the forum - and not all of them can be seen from the surface; some may be hiding behind words! Good luck!


  • First Place: For finding all 12 icons:
    1. A special Cercatori d'Arte Catacombs Potion - 1st place!
    2. 30 game points!
    3. 3-month custom icon
    4. A free table and signature!
  • Second Place: For finding at least 8 icons:
    1. A special Cercatori d'Arte Catacombs Potion - 2nd place!
    2. 20 game points!
    3. A 4-month custom title!
    4. A free table OR signature!
  • Third Place: For finding at least 5 icons:
    1. A special Cercatori d'Arte Catacombs Potion - 3rd place!
    2. A 3-month custom title!
    3. A free signature!


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