The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Word Count » +3

Cooking was not one of Ezekiel’s skills—he had learned which herbs tasted better after having worked with them as an apprentice healer. While his lessons had ended abruptly after his ascension to Aquila, he retained the knowledge well enough. He was hardly the sort to truly spend time on something trivial, but once and a while (and usually when he sought to bribe someone) the skills could be called upon. He was simple in the way of his upbringing, and did not find time for greater expansions of his person.

He had traveled, mostly, into the wild. Deep forests had filled his whole world, and turned him into a beast both primal and yet very much conscious of himself; it was a peculiar paradox to live with. Since his return, his savage nature had been hidden for the sake of gaining trust…but he had found Inferni equally as savage. So his mask had begun to come off, little by little.

Yet it lingered, this plastic thing painted to resemble a man, and he took what she said in stride. Her home had not been idyllic, which explained her desire to leave. Ezekiel did not blame her. Why stay in a place that offered nothing? “I never really spent time with other kids,” he offered, attempting to ease her obvious discomfort on the subject. “My sister and I were the only children in Inferni, and our father sent us away during the war. Of course,” the Aquila smiled savagely. “When I came back here I was still young. I picked fights with just about anyone. Did pretty well for myself up until I got these,” Ezekiel concluded, gesturing to the scars over his left eye. They had once been marks of shame, but he had found shame bore no weight upon him these days. Who did he need to answer to? God, and God knew the color of his soul.

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