The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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A long time ago, Ezekiel had been presented with a choice. He had the potential to rise above other men, to shine and glow golden as the sun…but this had been filtered through the trees and the branches and the darkness of deep woods and old growth. The wilderness had clung to him then and it clung to him now, even if he carried weapons or rode a horse. If he had his way, there would be no law and order, no rules or moral choices to make. To live without knowing would be easier, but God was cruel. God had given them thought through means of the virus that gave them hands. Trapped now within the concepts of why, they would rot from the inside looking for answers.

Fighting gave him such an escape, and this was why he enjoyed it so. Ezekiel spoke with his body. It was easier, sometimes, than words. Yet he had read, and he had been taught, and he had walked where others now followed. Myrika spoke of her doubts, and spoke of what she had been told about this most-terrible place. He smiled bitterly. “War came to us,” he admitted, and turned his gaze to the fire. “Demons live everywhere,” the Aquila went on. “They find holes in weak hearts; they build upon fear and turn it into hate. A demon scarred my face when I was a boy, and the man who started the war was a demon. But I’m not,” he added, lifting his eyes to her. “And I don’t think you are either. Inferni is a trying place, but it’s no more evil then what’s out there.”

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