The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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Oh, they looked the part of savages all right. It had been Gabriel who brought the practice to the north, and Gabriel who had begun it again after the fire. Ezekiel had never found the threats grotesque, though he supposed they could be taken as such. He ignored them because they were normal to him; savagery as a whole was normal to him. No part of him lived in a world of domesticity or softness. Such ideas were saved only for comfort—he had learned to make his life easier, though he did not rely on such things.

He smoked silently and listened to her. She was like him, once, but as he would have been with fear in his heart instead of anger. “No, you stay wherever you want,” he offered, and flicked ash near his feet. He smiled lightly and shook his head, looking to her with his raptor-colored eyes. “I don’t really like living close to people either,” Ezekiel told her with a wink. “As Aquila, though, I have to be nearby everyone. The Caves aren’t too bad; most of our members live in the Mansion these days.”

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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