Forever can be...
Again, she had found herself uncertain and doubting Hollow's dreamscape return, no matter if she blamed the encounter on mysticism or her own flawed, needing psyche. It all came about like a dark and brief fairytale, whose spell was bound to have broken when the story had finished and the kiss had been taken. Her mind wheeled back to Hollow and the dreams often enough throughout the day that she eagerly reached for sleep each night with flickering hopes of his return. Nights as this, the shift and shuffle of her conflicting thoughts delayed that sweet slumber for too long.

But as with so much of life, time brought it 'round, and with it came another movie reel that did not belong to her. She recognized Hollow, the woods he stood amongst, and then very suddenly, the white woman. She was loosely tied to a number of distant memories, of her mother's lashing words, of a early hunting lesson that she had seemed disinterested in. There had never been any current of connection with the once-beta of Chimera, and as the scene played out, Poe found her increasingly unrelatable.

It was nauseating watching anyone being raped, but Hollow's calm face and sleek words guiding the act crossed a line that Poe had not expected to find. He was anything but similar to the pristine white yearling that had crashed her into the ground long ago, large hands and frantic hips--but his intentions appeared no different. The resurrected memories numbed her as she watched Hollow's rape take a bizarre turn. She asked for it. Begged. Knelt before him and then got up screaming empty threats. Her actions were laughably nonsensical to Poe from beginning to end, and she found herself doing just that when it dissolved into a psuado-reality, where Poe stood a few feet to Hollow's right. Wavering and broken, she laughed quietly at the sky between the trees, trailing off as she rubbed her forehead and pushed through her overgrown bangs with a dark, slender hand, then hooking it over her opposite shoulder.

"I knew her when I was a kid," she replied in a tone that wore no veil to hide her emotional disjointedness, raw in her initial response to the next chapter. Looking at Hollow's profile with an evident regard, her head swam and her stomach clenched. He had seemed so accustomed to both sides of the coin each time she had been allowed a glimpse.

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