Forever can be...
His explanation seemed logical in his own head, it made sense, but despite all of that he knew that it was just an excuse. It was a sad excuse, something for him to hide behind for fear (had he ever felt fear before?) that it might drive her away from him. Was it really anything more than the second part of his explanation? Perhaps it was, but it would only be worse from there. It was to ruin lives. It was to draw pleasure from the horror of others, to take them over and have total control of them and, in some twisted fashion, to regain some of the control that had been taken from him as a child. Not even Hollow understood a great portion of it.

His mind didn't have time to settle on these truths though, to reveal them to her, because she spoke and icy eyes narrowed suddenly. His first reaction was instinct, flat ears and bared fangs, a growl that he could feel building in the very pits of his chest. Hollow held it back though, held it back and simply listened to her. While he was listening, whether he knew it or not, his arm tightened around her, almost as if he was trying to protect her, despite the fact that it was far to late for that.

As she spoke Hollow felt something that he'd never felt before, even in the time before his death. He felt despair and emotional pain, empty and hopeless and desperate and a million other things on top of that. For a moment, as her words died off into a hushed silence, Hollow looked as if he might cry. Had she continued speaking, he would have. Poe had given him something that he may have never understood. Now he knew, he knew the kind of effect that his own actions might have had on other people and, from the look on her face and in her eyes when she looked back to him, he suddenly understood the effect that it could have on the victims also.

"We're all sick." He said suddenly, bitter. "We all need to be thrown in a fire and burned alive.." He practically hissed the words, but the dark demeanor that had taken him in those moments that she revealed that was quickly swept away. Screaming at himself in his head, warning himself not to do it, Hollow turned toward her more, pulling her slight frame along with the arm that he already had wrapped around her. His other arm came around, searching for a gentle grasp on her other side, and he slid her in to his lap, facing him.

"I'd kill him for you without a second thought.." However grim the words seemed, they came out in a loving, sweet sort of manner, whispered quietly to her. He held one arm around her, to keep her there and make certain that she wouldn't fall, while the other snaked up to brush lightly at her cheek. He wanted nothing more than to scream in a fit of rage and tear something, anything, to shreds, but it was her eyes, the very ones that he stared in to in that moment, that kept the best within him quelled.


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