The paths have been crossed
[html] ... arstab.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">OOC: When was our last thread? Back when you played Heath? +357
I go around a time or two
just to waste my time with you

They did not mean to startle the beast, but it would seem that the beast was not as used to wolves as Axel, or Vox was, and the dirt brown woman had come and consoled the llama. Mars looked down at his son, whom was almost as tall as he now. Be careful, it scares easy. They spit at ya when they get nervous, but they also kick, like horses, so definitely be careful Amon. the male spoke to the child, whom nodded his head and flanked towards the right of the woman, on the far side, away from the llama. Mars stopped in his large secui form in front of the woman, and he looked up at her as she had greeted them. He nodded his head in a silent greeting to her. She introduced herself shortly after. My name is Mars Russo. This is my son, Amon. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mati. he spoke to her, nodding his head again and wagging his curled tail lightly. He was part husky, so it was normal for his tail to be over his back in a curled position, and because of Amon's mixed ancestry, the child also had a curly tail, though his was only at the tip rather than the whole thing.

Never seen you 'round here, pretty lady. Why does no one else from this pack come here? Me and dad and mom and sister live here, why you think no one else does? the boy asked the other dreamer, wondering if she knew the reason why, but not expecting her to have an answer for him. Ignore him and his stupid questions, there's no need to answer them. Though, what are you doing here? Looking for something specific? the male asked her, cocking his head at the woman as the black sheep had finally come up to the group, and Axel approached the llama and went to touch noses with it, showing that the ram meant no harm to the llama. The ram let out a baa at the llama as well, trying to communicate with it, it seemed.

Mars Speaks Amon Speaks


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