god give me style and give me grace
The ache, troubled him, the golden vixen has flooded his consciousness, and his dreams and he didn't even know her name. The truth of what happened the day before still hadn't really hit him, it was like a bad dream except nothing happened that was bad, but he had a feeling in his gut something had happened that he couldn't explain. Some part of him now craved her attentions, craved her affections, and an overwhelming part of him wanted her to himself. Somehow he couldn't gather if it had all been real, he couldn't remember a time like that except for a drunken binge where he couldn't recall certain details of a day or night. The feral world had opened it's arms to him the day before, and the golden she wolf had entered it too, and he was now left alone and craving the connection that had been forged.

It must have been the reason why he lingered so close to Ichika borders again today, he sat a few yards away staring at the invisible scent line, debating on whether or not to cross and break the very rule of pack life that pack wolves all thrived on. He sat on his haunches still unable to change forms, some part of him had awakened and changing to stand on two legs just seemed like a lie, a lie to all those who would see him and think him human. No the behemoth sat in his wolf glory, eyes wild with baser instincts, and his tail sitting silently behind him.

Ears perked as a voice could be heard over the gentle wind that flowed over the mountain ranges, winter was coming quickly in this land, the upper elevation providing the climate for winters arrival. But the voice was warm and full of life, a distinct opposite from his own. The voice reminded him a bit of Nayru and her transformation into the peaceful woman she was now. They where foreign to him.

“Home has never been an easy place for me to find” he replied in a gruff response. It wasn't cold but the best he could offer in the form he presently felt at home in. The hippy man did have a strange effect on him, not knowing him made it easier for him to open up, since he felt he didn't have to uphold some strange invincible form, unable to let anyone see his cracks.

“Submission was never one of my strong suits, and the belief of a peaceful pack seems at odds with the nature of who we are as well. No... home my friend, seems so close but yet so far away”

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