god give me style and give me grace
Saluce always knew he was welcome to return back to Ichika at anytime. Why he hadn't was a point of stubborn pride. In Dahlia he had been something, here he was just another soul around many who had come together into something else. It had turned out to be something entirely new to him and change was never something he dealt with well. But it kept him from the wolves he had loved, and now it was keeping him from someone he was longing for now. It was all confusing to him. It would have been so much simpler to have to just left and never have returned than to deal with this.

His form stayed steady for sometime, studying the other male. Finding the acrid smoke from his joint bothering his nostrils. It started simply enough, his maw opened a bit before a full blown sneeze took hold of his form. As soon as the sneeze was over he stood and backed up a bit, not quite wanting to have another string of smoke irritate his nose again.

“I'm ready to return but please, blow that smoke away, cigarettes and weed where never anything I could stand to be around for very long.” The behemoth was mortal after all.

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